This tours so that you can get to know Vila do Capão on a more relaxed tour, ideal for those who like to discover new paths, contemplate nature, bathe in waterfalls, without making much effort. We will depart from Lençóis towards the city of Palmeiras where there is a stop in the main square to contemplate the old houses, we will continue to the Povoado da Conceição dos Gatos for a swim in the Cachoeira da Boa Vista and tasting a tasty lunch of typical foods in a restaurant with a wonderful view of the waterfall. After lunch, we will continue to Cachoeira da Riachinho for a bath in the river and a natural hygram massage. Then we will continue to the alternative is the center of the village of Capão.
Price per person:
Guide speaks English
1 pessoa…………R$ 1.027,00
2 pessoas……….R$ 567,00
3 pessoas……….R$ 397,00
4 pessoas……….R$ 337,00
5 pessoas……….R$ 317,00
6 pessoas……….R$ 297,00
- Departure time
Departure Time: 8:30am Return Time: 6:30pm
- Total Distance
140km by car an 05 km of walking
- Region
Lençóis - National Park Chapada Diamantina
> Incluso no pacote:
Guia qualificado e capacitado, taxas de entradas nos atrativos, almoço, transporte e seguro pessoal.
Não Incluso: Serviços extras e bebidas.
- Level of difficulty
Categoria: Trilha & Banho;
Dificuldade: Fácil-médio;
- What to bring
Swimming suit/bathing costume, sunscreen, hat, money, water, jacket and trekking shoes.