Classic Tours

09. Ribeirão do Meio

Ribeirão do Meio (tobogã natural).  

This trip can be done in a half day. The trail is easily accessible and leads to a beautiful swimming pool and natural waterslide. A useful tip is to wear jean shorts or other resistant fabric (sliding on the rock can ruin bathing suits). 

Price per person:

English Guide Português

1 pessoa…………….R$ 507,00
2 pessoas…………..R$ 287,00
3 pessoas…………..R$ 197,00
4 pessoas…………..R$ 167,00
5 pessoas…………..R$ 157,00
6 pessoas…………..R$ 137,00


Departure time: morning or afternoon

6 km.

Lençóis - National Park Chapada Diamantina.

> Incluso no pacote:

Guia qualificado e capacitado e seguro pessoal.




There are usually people selling drinks and grilled meats. “Barraca do Uisquinha”, along the way, sells fruit and drinks.

Swimming suit/bathing costume, sunscreen, hat, money, water, long sleeve shirt, and comfortable walking shoes.